Use "naught|naughts" in a sentence

1. Better aught than naught.

2. You've bought a thing of naught.

3. Now his calculations were for naught.

4. All their plans came to naught .

5. They cared naught for my suggestions.

6. His crime has gained him naught.

7. Even so, such efforts also come to naught.

8. All our plans come to naught.

9. All our efforts were for naught.

10. These efforts have come to naught [ nothing ].

11. All his labour has come to naught.

12. All our good planning came to naught.

13. Has all my instruction been for naught?

14. The plan came to naught at last.

15. Though I rather think it's all for naught.

16. Men may the wise atrenne, and naught Atrede

17. He set at naught all my good advice.

18. He sets at naught every convention of society.

19. He set at naught all his parents'good advice.

20. A pity it's all for naught when they starve to death.

21. But this last little stab at optimism soon comes to naught.

22. You are naught but a fool, an addlebrained fool!

23. His effort to help her will come to naught.

24. All Mike's elaborate schemes seem to come to naught.

25. All our plans may yet be set at naught.

26. Beseems that Her Grace cares naught for the courtiers

27. They care naught for what we have been doing.

28. Now, people sometimes therefore use Aught when they mean nAught

29. Anything whatever; any part: for Aught I know; a cipher; zero Not to be confused with: nAught – nothing; be without result: come to nAught; lost; ruined

30. Anything whatever; any part: for Aught I know; a cipher; zero Not to be confused with: nAught – nothing; be without result: come to nAught; lost; ruined

31. Antonyms for thing: sur-mises, theorization, clearheadedness, judgment call, re-cognition, close-ups, inanimate, Apprehendings, in citation, naughts, re flections

32. Synonyms for Bupkis include zero, nothing, nil, nought, zilch, zip, naught, cypher, cipher and aught

33. Abigail told you it had naught to do with witchcraft, did she not?

34. As happened in that boom, most of these ideas will come to naught.

35. Although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words—

36. And once lottery of traditional paper quality is missing namely come to naught.

37. Synonyms for Aughts include nothings, nil, zeroes, noughts, zilch, zips, naught, ciphers, oes and ohs

38. All this worrying proved for naught, because within the week senior management approved her proposal.

39. 19 Bonds do not exist for those to whom naught is dear or not dear.

40. And if his schemes at home come to naught, then his credibility abroad will wither.

41. Joe was furious and felt embarrassed that his White House intrigues should come to naught.

42. If they don't, everything will come to naught and things will go on as before.

43. This came to naught, however, as did an all-steel version, the Model 23 or G8N

44. If you claim that you have some predicates of the form A - & gt; B - & gt; NAUGHT C

45. " If I couldn't keep secrets from th'other lads, secrets about foxes'cubs, an'birds'nests, an'wild things'holes, there'd be naught safe on th'moor.

46. The hours at the gym were not for naught, but I had to be careful: no more snacks until October.

47. Please note that there are some common spellings for all the words ‘Aught’ (ought) and ‘nAught’ (nought).

48. Aught in the sense of “nothing” derives from nAught (from the Old English nawiht, meaning “not a thing”)

49. And that little square in the corner, a naught .7 percent, that's the amount we're actually aware of.

50. They replied, “We tell thee naught save what we know;” but he was an angered with them and Bastinadoed them

51. If the pressures driving extinction merely abate but do not reverse, even the best of efforts may still come to naught.

52. How I led him out of the garden and into a rough and stony place where naught but thistles and brambles grow!

53. (NAught, by the way, is the root of the adjective nAughty; to be nAughty is to lack something—namely, compunction or moral character.)

54. It is sometimes also pronounced "Aleph-zero" or "Aleph-naught," the latter of which is also spelled "Aleph …

55. PS: TMT was published SEMI-(not bi-)monthly, which lent it hallowed status to us monsterkinder who'd grown used to naught but Bimonthlies and quarterlies in our Literature of Choice

56. "Thou, hoary Rome, In Bosoming him hast higher glory won, Although for Pantheon Thou gav'st him naught, save that wherein the sun Beams morn by morn," 3

57. After the facts are laid out, the affidavit usually contains the words, “Further Affiant Sayeth Naught.” This means that you have said all you have to say on the matter

58. Pointed at, hated of the world, made a Byworde, reviled, slandered, rebuked, made a gazinge stocke, called puritans, nice fooles, hipocrites, hairbrainde fellows, rashe, indiscreet, vain-glorious, and all that naught is

59. And even skin infection, which we originally thought wasn't that big a problem, mild skin infections naught to five give you a greatly increased chance of renal failure, needing dialysis at age 40.

60. And yet the world is nothing but a tempestuous sea; time is naught but a bridge thrown over the abyss connecting the negation that preceded existence with the eternity that is to follow it.

61. “Men may the wise atrenne, and naught Atrede.” ― Geoffrey Chaucer, quote from Troilus and Criseyde “For thus men seyth, "That on thenketh the beere, But al another thenketh his ledere.” ― Geoffrey Chaucer, quote from Troilus and Criseyde

62. In the National Intelligencer, published in Washington, D.C., from 1800 to 1867, Smith found reports claiming the Mormon people were setting the laws of the land "at naught" and organizing "Banditti" to defend themselves

63. Wherefore in all that thou Conceivest, in all thou nearest, these two recall to mind; and think all things are they, reckoning as doubtful naught, nor of the things above, nor of the things below, neither of things divine, nor things p

64. Wherefore in all that thou Conceivest, in all thou nearest, these two recall to mind; and think all things are they, reckoning as doubtful naught, nor of the things above, nor of the things below, neither of things divine, nor things that suffer change or things that are in obscuration.

65. He wept for that which had befallen him, but kept his affair secret, so none of his foes might exult over him nor any of his friends be troubled, knowing that, if he disclosed his secret, it would bring him naught but dishonour and Contumely from the folk; wherefore he said in him self,

66. Nigh night my speech impediment, perhaps, bleeds out from my crooked teeth stained with love((lessness)) “& what do ye ((cherubs in ribcage)) feel,” as the circus tonight Bombinates & pitter patters like cotton candy shakes? sugarhighlover? “naught,” they croon, or, perhaps, i am stuttering the near night heeding ‘gainst the crook of my shoulder her shoulder which i stand up high

67. 9 And also that a knowledge of these things must acome unto the remnant of these people, and also unto the Gentiles, who the Lord hath said should bscatter this people, and this people should be counted as naught among them—therefore cI write a dsmall abridgment, daring not to give a full account of the things which I have seen, because of the commandment which I have received, and also that ye might not have too great sorrow because of the wickedness of this people.